Raj Reddy

Raj Reddy

Birth: June 13, 1937

Death: Still alive

Academic Achievements

Raj Received his bachelor's degree in civil engineering in 1958 at Guindy College of Engineering. He then went on to receive his MTech degree from the University of New South Wales in 1960, and his Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford in 1966.

Contribution to Computer Science

Raj Reddy dedicated most of his life to developing technology that can understand human speech. He developed multiple systems that improved computer understanding of human speech including Hearsay I, Hearsay II, Harpy, and Dragon. Reddy's work helped billions of illiterate people around the world communicate and work through computers. His work was a major steppingstone toward modern voice recognition. Finally, Reddy founded the first robotics institute in America, and it would become a world-renowned institute.

Raj Reddy Turing Award
Raj Reddy
Computer History Museum